EMDR Basic Training

Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing

In this basic training clinicians learn to practice EMDR grounded in the Biopsychoscocial-AIP Model. The journey begins and ends by identifying how trauma always happens in the context of living our lives. Students will discover how we share a long history with all life of relying on information processing to thrive. We thrive in an environment of intersubjective collaboration. By learning to facilitate intersubjective collaboration in the therapeutic relationship clinicians will be able to help their clients restore, maintain, and in some cases begin to have, engaged relationships with others and themselves.

Trauma As Absence

Advanced EMDR Workshop

This advanced EMDR training is for those already trained by an EMDRIA approved basic training in EMDR. The learning objectives include an introduction to the theoretical model which is an expansion of the traditional neurophysiological model of EMDR proposed by Francine Shapiro. It builds upon the original model in three ways. 1. It includes psychosocial components to the innate AIP system from a non-dualistic foundation grounded in current neuroscientific research. 2. It includes a theory that AIP is the apex of the attachment system in humans. 3. It includes consciousness as a primary mechanism of action.

In addition, the workshop includes several distinct methods derived from Tony’s years of practice with the model. These include methods for activating the innate healing system via the therapeutic relationship, measuring biopsychosocial connectivity vs disturbance (subjective units of disconnection - SUDS) throughout all 8 phases, assessing and addressing self-connection throughout all 8 phases, adaptations of the procedural steps for trauma processing for complex-PTSD & PTSD + comorbid disorders, the “never fail body scan”, and advances in evaluation and case formulation.